
Pragmatic Magic Circles

2017 is the year for you to stand fully in your power, claim your gifts, and break through!

circle of women

“There is almost a sensual longing for communion with others who have a large vision. The immense fulfillment of the friendship between those engaged in furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality impossible to describe.” –Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Pragmatic Magic Circles are small groups of 6-9 people,  in which we walk together, collaborate, and support each other in this path of entrepreneurship. It’s like a Mastermind, but with MAGIC.

With everything going on in the world, your voice and your gifts are needed urgently. 

I get it–running a business is hard, and online it can be lonely. You’ve taken the courses. You know all the technical stuff (or you would, if you went through all those courses you took). You’ve invested in your business and even worked your buns off.

But something’s missing. Using the formulas of old-paradigm marketers doesn’t work now.

Using sales strategies and “client acquisition” may work for a tire store, but you are changing people’s lives! You are calling to their souls! The old methods JUST DON’T WORK for Spiritual Entrepreneurs.

“Lisa Wolfe has a gift for bringing together a cohesive team who immediately connect on a soul level. And with her wisdom and a bit of powerful reminding, we moved forward by leaps and bounds. I personally had just decided a new direction for my business and during our 3 months together I felt supported and clearly directed so that I had in place the events I had envisioned.

This was my first mastermind. And the price was well worth it!! I highly recommend Lisa. And having her look into the soul of your business and offer her shaman guidance, is invaluable.”–Phoebe Fazio, Sound Healer, PhoebeFazio.com


My groups are magical places where collaborations, friendships, and businesses flourish; you benefit from my coaching while being nourished by a group of like-minded entrepreneurs.

Guiding your business from the inside out–from your soul purpose, instead of some marketer’s formula–allows your livelihood to spring from your gifts, creating a business that is deeply fulfilling for you, and life-changing for your clients!

When we are on track with soul purpose, everything flows from that–the Universe lines up to assist. With the Pragmatic Magic Circle, you are traveling with other Spiritual Entrepreneurs who passionately want to change the world, just as you do. The alchemy created by a circle creates support, wisdom, love, and the safe place you need to shine!

In our 6-month journey together, we develop and nurture our ultimate vision for our lives, create a beautiful container to hold it in, and take practical steps to bring it all into form.

  • Initial full one-on-one session (90 minutes) with Lisa to throughly review your goals, plans, and vision (value of $275)
  • Once a month one-on-one Business Shaman Session to tune into your Guidance (value of $200)
  • Weekly group coaching calls. A total of 24 calls (60-90 minutes each) (value of $750)
  • A secret Facebook group to ask questions, share challenges, and celebrate life (value of $xx)
  • Accountability check-ins twice a week to keep us on track (value of $xx)
  • Goodies such as Facebook live videos with energetic processes such as grounding, protection, and manifestation (value of $500)
  • Monthly video series: covering all the tools you need to create the business of your dreams (value of $600)

This intimate circle will become your go-to to work through problems with your sisters (and brothers, theoretically–although most PMC members are women). You’ll have each other’s backs; you’ll create friendships that can last a lifetime.

Friendships that can become your lifeline as you negotiate these entrepreneurial waters!

Month 1: Visioning the Future and Manifesting   The most important step is to be absolutely clear on what you want. We carry out visioning, meditations, and rituals to activate this vision and to prepare you energetically for your future!

Month 2: Your Life Wheel Why your business will prosper when the rest of your life does. All too often we focus on only our business and neglect self-care and our relationships; the reality is that ALL parts of our life need attention for the business to flourish.

Month 3: Clarity Digging deep into your soul purpose and creating the energetic ripples to draw exactly the right clients to you. Having trouble “manifesting” and with the Law of Attraction? Align your soul with vision and action, and miracles occur.

Month 4: Resonance website/social media review to ensure that WHO YOU ARE is reflected in your offerings, and is being communicated. Your best asset is YOU.

Month 5: Visibility and Vulnerability This is the month where we challenge ourselves to be really out there! Tons of accountability and cheerleading, plus serious hand-holding for introverts–it’s scary at first, but I teach you easy methods, energetic as well as physical, to get you into the zone for visibility without fear, and with actual fun!

Month 6: Divine Feminine Marketing how to market and sell beautifully, easily, and gracefully. We don’t have to use the methods of the old marketing–there’s a new wave coming, and making money can be joyful and easy. You should be paid well for your gifts!

Plus, while you are a member of a Circle, you get to attend a monthly New Moon Ritual..set intentions for every month, and come into larger circle to feel deeply into planting seeds for every month. 

Investment in the Pragmatic Magic Circle is $3000 for 6 months; payment plans are available.

A limited number of partial scholarships are available (only 2 short years ago I was reeling after a divorce, so if you are a motivated entrepreneur with limited funds, let’s talk).

If you’re feeling called to work with me, but are not sure what option to choose, book a free Clarity Call–I’m happy to review your needs and see what is the best fit for you. My calling is to help you to shine your light, with ease, flow, and abundance, and I will always make the time to see if I can be of assistance.

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